Помогите хоть что- нибудь!!пожалуйста. заранее огромное спасибо.

5. Заполните пропуски необходимыми возвратными местоимениями (myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, yourselves, themselves, ourselves).
1. I looked at _________ in the mirror and left the house in a very good mood.
2. Selfish people only care about _________
3. He’ll phone her _________.
4. She has done it _________.
5. They answer her _________
6. We don’t like to speak about _________
7. The book_________ is very interesting.
8. Boys, do it _________
9. This girl went there_________
10. Students, learn it_________
11. We’ll tell it _________

6. Выберите нужную форму местоимения. (Выделите другим цветом/обведите правильный вариант)

1. ... aunt Susan is ... mother's sister.
1. my 2. me 3. My 4. Me
2. ... relatives are coming to see ... today.
1. Our 2. Us 3. We 4. our 5. us 6. we
3. Tell ... about it.
1. they 2. them 3. their
4. Is this ... dog?
1. you 2. your
5. Ask ... if it is ... car.
1. he 2. him 3. his
6. He gave ... ... photograph in which I couldn't recognize ....
1. him 2. me 3. he 4. his
7. We were surprised to see ... on the platform, they also came to meet ....
1. they 2. them 3. their 4. us 5. we 6. our


Ответ дал: olecika13
Myself, themselves,himself,herself, themselves,ourselves,itself,yourselves,herself, yourselves,ourselves.my,my...our us,them your,him his,me him,them us
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