11. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Indefinite (Simple): Present, Past, Future. Переведите предложения.

1. He (to turn) _____________on the TV to watch cartoons every morning.
2. He (to turn) _____________on the TV to watch cartoons yesterday morning.
3. He (to turn) _____________on the TV to watch cartoons tomorrow morning.
4. I (to go) _____________ to bed at ten o’clock last night.
5. I usually (to go) _____________ to bed at ten o’clock.
6. I (to go) _____________ to bed at ten o’clock the day after tomorrow.

12. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Continuous (Progressive): Present, Past, Future. Переведите предложения.

1. My brother (to play) _____________computer games now.
2. From 2 till 3 o’clock my brother (to play) _____________computer games tomorrow.
3. My brother (to play) _____________computer games at 5 o’clock yesterday.
4. They (to watch TV) _____________ at this moment.
5. They (to watch TV) _____________at that moment yesterday.
6. They (to watch TV) _____________ at 6 o’clock next Monday.

13. Вставьте артикль (а/an, the), где необходимо:

1. This is ______ classroom. _______classroom is large.
2. There is _______ picture on _______ wall. It is ______ boy.
3. What is ________ date today? It is _______ seventh of ________ December.
4. _______ third lesson today is _______ lesson of English.
5. After _________school I usually go _________ home.
6. He always comes from _______ work late. But on ________ Friday he comes ______ home early.
7. My friends live in _____small _____town. _______ streets in it are straight.
8. There is _____ big _____tree in _____ garden.
9. I see ____ cat. ______ cat is white.
10. For breakfast I have _________coffee with ______milk and _______sandwich.


Ответ дал: AnnPenguin
11) 1. turns
Он включает телевизор каждое утро чтобы посмотреть мультики
2. Turned
Он включил телевизор чтобы посмотреть мультики вчера утром
3. Will turn
Он включит телевизор завтра утром чтобы посмотреть мультики
4. went
Он пошел спать в 10 часов вчера
5. Go
Я обычно ложусь спать в 10 часов
6. Will go
Я пойду спать в 10 часов послезавтра
12) Прости, не очень разбираюсь в этом времени
13) 1. A, the
2. A, the, a
3. The, the,-
4. The,-
7. A,-, the
8. A, the
9. A, the
10. A,-, a

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