Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. (The Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous) 1. He often ___brings___ (bring) me flowers. 2. _____________________ (you/meet) Paul yesterday? 3. Father _________________ (work) in the garden now. 4. What __________________ (you/do) at the moment? 5. Mr Jones _______________ (paint) his house last month. 6. He ____________________ (go) to school on foot every day. 7. It _____________________ (be) hot yesterday. 8. The baby __________________ (not/sleep) now. 9. He never ___________________ (drive) fast. 10. I ____________________ (not/take) John to school yesterday because he wasn’t well. 11. Planes _____________ (take off) and ______________ (land) at Heathrow all day. 12. “Where is Mike?” – “He ________________ (stay) with his grandmother this weekend. 13. I _________________ (not/like) peanut butter. 14. “What time ____________________ (your plane/leave)?” – “At 7.45.” 15. At what time _________________________ (the play/begin) last night? 16. “What ___________________ (you/read)?” – “It’s a book by Barbara Cartland.” 17. “_____________________ (you/play) the piano?” – “No, I don’t.” 18. Dennis Johnson ____________ (work) for an insurance company. 19. Mr Baker _______________ (come) home at 6 pm last night. 20. Uncle Victor is 88 years old. He _________ (see) everything and _________ (do) everything. 21. Dennis _______________ (not/like) his work much. 22. Last week he _____________ (sell) his car and _____________ (buy) a new one!


Ответ дал: silantevavera

1) brings
2) did you meet 
3) is  working
4) are you doing
5) painted
7) was
8) is not sleeping
9) drives
10) did not take
11) taking off and landig
12) is staying
13) dont like
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