Помогите прошу!!! Очень надо!!!



Ответ дал: Vica176

1. It’s the first time I have ever eaten octopus! 
2. Sandy has not seen his sister since she went to university. 
3. They have gone on holiday to Spain and won’t be back until the end of the month. 
4. Poor Tracy! She has been writing that essay for hours now and she still hasn’t finished! 
5. Have you ever met anyone famous? 
6. I have been trying to get in touch with Jenny all morning, but I can’t find her anywhere.
7. I have not finished the book yet so I can’t tell you what happens. 
8. Have you already decided where you’re going this summer? 
9. We have lived here for the last six years. 
10. I have never heard such nonsense!

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