проверьте задания, поправьте и где-то допишите. Пожалуйста.
2. Put the verb «to be»
1. There ...are...... many windy days in winter.
2. These cabins ...are..... small.
3. I ..am.... reading a magazine.
4. Who ....is....... on duty today?
5. We .....are..... having dinner now.

3. Insert the prepositions where necessary (in, on, at, from, of).
1. The year begins .....at.... the 1st of January.
2. The days ...in... the week are: Sunday, Monday, ets.
3. How many months are there .....in..... a year?
4. He is good ....in.... English.
5. They are ....from...... Scotland.

4. Put the sentences into the plural ( мн.ч) form:
1. This is a desk.
2. He works as a teacher.
3. That is a big house.
4. The girl is playing in the yard now. The girls are playing in the yard now.
5. Translate into English:
1. Они на уроке английского языка. They are at the English lesson.
2. Я - моряк. I am a sailor.
3. Эта дорога длиннее. This road is longer.
4. Мой брат работает на заводе. My brother works at the factory.
5. Вечером мы смотрим телевизор и слушаем радио. . In the evening we are watch TV and listen radio
6. Это самый большой англо-русский словарь.
7. Мы умеем читать по-английски.

6. Put the sentences into the negative form:
1. I am at the library now. - I am not at the library now.
2. The captain knows English very well. - The captain is not know English very well.
3. They are reading now. - They are not reading now.

7. Put the sentences into the interrogative form:
1. There are many passengers on board the ship. - Are there many passengers on board the ship?
2. He is writing a test-paper now. - Is he writing a test-paper now?
3. We live in Kaliningrad. - Are we live in Kaliningrad?

23. Проспрягайте глагол to sail в настоящем длительном времени. Как оно образуется?

24. Проспрягайте глагол to have (in the Present Indefinite Tense).

25. Проспрягайте глагол to work (in the Present Indefinite Tense).

12. Проспрягайте глагол to be.
Переведите на английский язык:
Он - курсант,
она - врач,
они - студенты,
ты - моряк,
я - на судне,
он - на мостике,
они - в порту,
ты - в каюте.


Ответ дал: ЗаядлыйДвоечник
1.at-неправильно(at используется говоря о времени на часах at 6 am)ON
2. OF
4. good in распространенная ошибка из-за буквального перевода предлога с русского. Правильное выражение GOOD AT smth.
1These are desks
2they work as teachers
3those are big houses
4girls are playing in the yard now (без the)
In the evening we watch TV and listen radio
6this is the biggest 
English-Russian dictionary
7we can read in English
2the captain does not know English very well
3do we live 
in Kaliningrad?23)
sail+ing = sailing
have has
work works
he is
she is
whey are
you are
I am 

ЗаядлыйДвоечник: В остальном я ошибок не нашел.
ЗаядлыйДвоечник: Буду признателен, если отметите мой ответ как лучший. Мне очень нужно, а вам дадут дополнительные баллы.
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