Номер 95. Помогите пж!!! Дам 15 баллов. Побыстрее желательно......


Аноним: Ребят, 6,7,8,9 тоже надо((


Ответ дал: Аноним
-Who did pay the electricity bill last week?
-What did Jack pay last week?
-When did Jack pay for electricity bill?
-Who did write an interesting novel last year?
-When did his uncle write an interesting novel?
-Who did want to be a scientist many years ago?
-What did Sam want to be many years ago?
-Who did go to a picnic last weekend?
-When did my parents go to a picnic?
-Who did get married in 1980?
-When did she get married?

Аноним: Блин всё так четко.... Мучалась писала бедная.... :D Спасибо большое
Аноним: Всегда пожалуйста!
Ответ дал: Kksveta
1) when Jack pays the electricity bill?
What did Jack pays last week?
Who did pay the electricity bill?
2)who wrote an interesting novel last year?
When did his uncle writes an interesting novel?
3)who wants to be a scientist many years ago?
What did Sam wants to be many years ago Oz?
4)Who went to a picnic last week-end?
When did they go to a picnic?
5)who got marry in 1980?
When did she marry ?
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