Test 2 Use of English

Circle the correct alternative in each sentence.

/ 3

0​She looked worn out as if she had travelled/had been travelling all night.
1​Tears were streaming down his face because he had cut/had been cutting onions.
2​I refused to go out with him when I heard he had asked/had been asking Mary out before me.
3​We had finished/had been finishing the third game of chess when they finally came.
4​I didn’t have to water the flowers in the garden as it had rained/had been raining all morning.
5​After our teacher had explained/had been explaining the problem, he went on to give us the homework assignment.
6​Ann passed her exam with flying colours because she had studied/had been studying very hard for two weeks.


Ответ дал: AripovZ
0. had been traveling
1. had been cutting
2. had asked
3. had been finishing
4 had been raining
5. had explained
6. had been studying
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