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Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. I've cooked a very big meal.
2. have you ever cooked this dish before?
3. I've cooked it many times.
4. I haven't seen it before
5. When did you learn how to cook it?
6. Someone taught me when
7. I was in Sweden.
8. Oh,when did you live in Sweden?
9. I have been living there from 2003 to 2006.
10. I had a job there.
11. Have you ever lived in any other countries?
12. Yes , I had jobs in various parts of the world.
13. I worked in Brazil last year.
14. Did you enjoy that?
15. Yes, I had a great time.
16. I made lots of friends.
17. I enjoyed my time there.
18. Anyway, I have finished the cooking now. Let's eat.
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