Раскройте скобки употребив нужную форму сравнения прилагательных
1) moscow is one (beautiful) cities
In the world
2) Winter is (cold) season of the year
3)Train is (slow) than plane
4)The (early) you get up the (much) you can do
5)Health is (good) than wealth
6)Tom is (tall) boy in the class
7)Tiger are (large) cats
8) Alps are (high) mountains in Europe
9) the 22nd of december is (short)
Day in year
10) John knows German (bad) than English


Ответ дал: JuliaQueen2002
1)of the most beautiful
2) the coldest
3) slowly
4) earlier,most
6)the tallest
7) larger
8) the highest
9)the shortest

send1555334: Thanks
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