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1. Oh, He's left the door open. I___________ (to go) and shut it.
2. Jimmie Langton ______________ ( to discover) his love two years ago.
3. Ted, we don't have any sugar. - Oh, don't we? If so, I_______ (to get) some from the shop.
4. On Monday he __________ (to come) to the office by taxi.
5. Every day my husband and I _____________ (to get up) at 7 o'clock.
6. Can you repair Peter's car? - Yes, I know. He told me. I ________ (to repair) it tomorrow
7. Her aunt _________ (to talk) in a deep loud voice at the yesterday party.


Ответ дал: kocharyanaramoy2q2l
1. i will go
2. discovered
3. get
4. had came
5. are getting up
6. will repair
7. has talked

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