Задание номер три)))



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 Our teacher doesn't ask many questions.
Does our teacher ask many questions?
2 Both my brothers don't study at the University.
Do both my brotherson study at the University?
3 You won't take part in this conference.
Will you take part in this conference?
4 All the students didn't translate the text in time.
Did all the students translate the text in time?
5 My father doesn't read newspaper in the evening.
Does my father read newspaper in the evening?
6 The delegation didn't leave for London yesterday.
Did the delegation leave for London yesterday?
7 We shan't go to the Caucasus in summer.
Shall we go to the Caucasus in summer?
8 Her father didn't work at school last year.
Did her father work at school last year?
9 Our guests won't visit some museum.
Will our guests visit some museum?
10 Many school -leaves didn't know English well.
Did many school - leaves know English well?
11 My son doesn't like detective stories very much.
Did my son like detective stories very much?
12 Today we don't live in Rostov -on - Don .
Do we live in Rostov-on-Don today?
13 Russia doesn't border on many countries.
Does Russia border on many countries?
Ответ дал: dashadashkevich1
1) Do you our teacher ask many
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