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Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct form
Last Sunday, I decided 1)__________(explore) the old house near our village. My little brother refused 2)______(come) because he was frightened but my friend Jeff said he didn't mind 3) __________(go) with me. We arrived at the house late one evening and began 4) _________(climb) the old wooden stairs. When we reached the top it was so dark that I couldn't see anything. To my horror, Jeff seemed to have disappeared. Suddenly, I heard something 5) _________(make) a strange noise which made my hair 6_________________ (stand) on end. At first, I thought it was Jeff who was pretending 7) _________ (be) a ghost. Then Jeff appeared behind me. We were scared. We didn't know what 8) ____________(do). We thought we'd better 9) ____________(leave) the house quickly. When I told my parents what had happened they made me 10) _______ (promise) not 11) __________(go) there again.


Ответ дал: GreyBoar

Last Sunday, I decided 1) to explore the old house near our village. My little brother refused 2) to come because he was frightened but my friend Jeff said he didn't mind 3) going with me. We arrived at the house late one evening and began 4) to climb the old wooden stairs. When we reached the top it was so dark that I couldn't see anything. To my horror, Jeff seemed to have disappeared. Suddenly, I heard something 5) making a strange noise which made my hair 6 stand on end. At first, I thought it was Jeff who was pretending 7) to be a ghost. Then Jeff appeared behind me. We were scared. We didn't know what 8) to do. We thought we'd better 9) leave the house quickly. When I told my parents what had happened they made me 10) promise not 11) to go there again.

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