Past simple or present simple

1.They (to be) in London last month.
2.Who of your friend (to speak) English?
3.How many lessons you (to have) every day?
4.I (not to be) at home yesterday , I (to go) for a walk.
5.He usually(to sleep) well. But last night he (to sleep) bad
6.Your sister (to be) a doctor?- yes she (to become) a doctor two years ago.
7.He (not to shave) today becose he (not to have) time
8.You (to get) up early on Sunday? - Yes. But last Sunday I (to sleep) till ten o'clock.
9.When you (to leave) the meeting yesterday?
10.She (to enjoy) the film, which wo (to see) last week?
11.Why your parents (to be) so angry last night? - Because my brother (to be) late.

LinigaEf: В чем вопрос?
vova0102: Розкрийте дужки , вживаючи дієслова в Past simple or present simple
LinigaEf: 1-they are


Ответ дал: anilopchik
3have you got
4wasn't, went
5sleeps,, slept
6 is
Ответ дал: Ширин080
1.They be in London last month.
2.Who of your friend speak English many lessons you have every day
4.I not be at home yesterday, I go for a walk
5.He usually sleep well.But last night he sleep bad
6.Your sister be a doctor?-yes she become a doctor two years ago
7.He not shave today becose he not have time
8.You get up early on Sunday ?-Yes .But last Sunday I sleep till ten o'clock.
9.When you leave the meeting yesterday?
10.She enjoy the film ,wich who see last week.
11.Why your parents be so angry last night?-Because my brother be late.
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