4. Fill in the spaces by inserting the correct form of have or get:

1. I … my house painted. That’s why there’s all this mess.
2. My hair looks dreadful; I think I … it set tomorrow.
3. The attic was dark so last year we … skylight put in.
4. That dead tree is dangerous. I … it cut down tomorrow.
5. We just … central heating installed. The house is warm!
6. I don’t read Greek, so I … the documents translated. My nephew is helping with the translation.
7. … you … the film developed or did you develop it yourself?
8. Why … he … all his shoes specially made? – He says he has to because his feet are different sizes.
9. … you … your milk delivered or do you go to the shop for it?
10. If you hate cleaning fish why … you … them cleaned at the fishmonger’s (negative).
11. How often … you … your brakes tested?
12. I’m afraid it’s rather draughty here but I … that broken pane replaced tomorrow.


Ответ дал: msybdl75
1) had
2)will have
3) had
4) will have
7)have had
8) does have
9)have had
10)don't get
11)do have
12) will have

ilyina2000: спасибо большое!
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