Open the brackets and put the verbs into correct forms or turn into indirect speech.

1. He asked her, "How did yon do that?"

2. Many people ask themselves: “What I (to do) differently if I (to have) another chance?”

3. The situation has been bad lately, but everything (to calm) down if you only (to stop) making a fuss.

4. It (to be) awkward if she (to refuse) to co-operate.

5. What his mother (to think) if she (to hear) of what he has done?

6. If the situation (not to change) by Saturday I (to be) in trouble.

7. She asked me, "May 1 open the window?"

8. He asked her, "Why can't you answer this question at once?"

9. She asked me, "Would you like to see the garden?"

10. I asked him, "What will you do if you miss the train?"


Ответ дал: smtabo
2. What would I do differently if I had another chance.
3. The situation has been bad lately, but everything calms down if you only stop making a fuss.
4. It would be awkward if she refused to co-operate.
5. What would his mother think if she heard about what he has done.
6. If the situation had not been changed by Saturday. I would be in trouble.
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