Помогите с английским табличка и перед ним предложения 20 балов



Ответ дал: Explicite
1. My workbook is thiner than my English textbook.
2. A cheetah is faster than horse.
3. Tomatoes are more expensive than potatoes. 
4. Tom is better at football than Joe. 

2. My great-great aunt is the oldest person in my family.
3. London is the biggest city in Britain.
4. Alaska is the biggest state in USA. 
5. The guitar player is the best musician in the group.
6. The Nile is the longest river in Africa.
7. My parents' room is the biggest of the four bedroom.
8. The Mercedec is the most expensive of the three cars.
9. Sarah is the youngest of the five girls.
10. June 21st is the longest day of the year.

4ervяк: а таблица?
4ervяк: а все
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