Пожалуйста помогите. Задание таково: Выпишите лишнее слово из каждой строчки

1.Ayoung boy called Max lives in a small house in the village. Just outside that a village, in a haunted castle, lives
2.a witch. The witch doesn’t to live alone - she lives with a mosquito who does everything the witch tells it to do.
3.The witch is very so wicked: every night she sends the mosquito out to bite the people in the village. But one
4.person in the village never does feels any mosquito bites, and that person is Max. Other people in the village
5.ask Max to kill the mosquito, so one morning Max heads out of the village towards the one haunted castle. On his
6.way to the castle, Max meets a dwarf whose leg is trapped under a rock. Max kicks the rock with for all his strength
7.and frees the dwarf's leg. The dwarf is so more grateful that he decides to go to the castle with Max. Later in the
8.evening, Max finds the castle and hides him inside for the night. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, he is woken
9.by strange noises. Max creeps out of bed to see where the noises can are coming from and he sees the ghosts!


Ответ дал: b3lka
2. to (live alone)
3. so
4. does
5. the (one haunted castle)
6. for
7. more
8. him
9. can
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