. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо, и переведите предложения:

… Oxford is situated in ... south of... England, about  fifty miles north-west of ... London. … oldest university in ... United Kingdom is situated in ... Oxford on ... Thames. It was founded in … thirteenth century. The oldest university in ... Europe is ...University of Bologna in ... Italy, founded in … eleventh century. … second oldest is ... University of Salamanca in ... Spain, founded in 1218, … third oldest in … world is ... Oxford University.


Ответ дал: nunny
Oxford is situated in the south of England, about  fifty miles north-west of London. The oldest university in the United Kingdom is situated in Oxford on the Thames. It was founded in … thirteenth century. The oldest university in Europe is The University of Bologna in Italy, founded in the eleventh century. The second oldest is The University of Salamanca in Spain, founded in 1218, the third oldest in the world is Oxford University.
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