составьте предложения со словами to take , to go, to come, to cut, to hear, come up, let down, out, a witch, a tower


Ответ дал: shinaev2013
I know these words : to take , to go, to come, to cut, to hear, come up, let down, out, a witch, a tower.

nurina8: с каждым словом отдельно
Ответ дал: Mariamtu
It is a bad weather today, so, I should take an umbrella
She offered to go to the park tomorrow
You broke your finger, so we must to go to the hospital
When I was a little girl, I liked to cut hair of my dolls
I'm so happy to hear you!
Come up to me, dear. We need to talk seriously
You let me down, when you didn't complete the task
Come out of my room, I'm too busy to play with you!
A witch cooked a love poison for the princess
A Tower of London is a beautiful building
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