Complete the sentences using present simple passive or past simple passive:

1. In the usa 22 kg of chocolate are ??(eat) every second.

2. Wild tigers ??(not find) in America, but 7000 tigers ??(keep) as a pets in the usa.

3. 1000000usd ??(spend) on pet food every day.

4. The planet Pluto ??(not discover) until 1930.


Ответ дал: olecika13
are eaten
are not found, are kept
are spent
was not discovered
Ответ дал: nunny
1. In the USA 22 kg of chocolate is eaten every second.
2. Wild tigers are not found in America, but 7000 tigers are kept as a pets in the USA.
3. $1,000,000 is spent on pet food every day.
4. The planet Pluto was not discovered until 1930.

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