Перевод! срочно!
Я учусь в 26 общеобразовательной школе в 10 классе. Пошла в школу в 2008 году , а закончу в 2019. В моей школе учиться 1500 . В школу я хожу пешком, дорога занимает около 3-4 минут. Учимся мы 6 дней в неделю. Обычно у нас 6-7 уроков. У нашей школы есть определенная форма. В нашей школе проходит много интересных мероприятий , которые организуют сами учение. Так же я посещаю кружок пения. В нашей школе самые лучшие и профессиональные учителя! Я очень люблю свою школу.


Ответ дал: kairoxiz
I study at the 26th comprehensive school in 10th grade. I went to school in 2008, and finish it in 2019. There are 1500 pupils studying in my school. I go to school on foot, it takes about 3-4 minutes. We study 6 days a week. Usually we have 6-7 lessons. Our school has a certain form. In our school there are many interesting events that organized by pupils themselves. I also attend cources of singing. Our school has the best and the most professional teachers! I love my school a lot.

nikkamozdcg6: I study at the 26th comprehensive school in 10th grade. I went to school in 2008, and finish in 2019.1500 people study in my school. I go to school on foot, the road to school takes 3-4 minutes. We study 6 days a week. Usually we have 6-7 lessons. Our school has a certain form. In our school there are many interesting events organized by the students themselves. I also attend a circle of singing. Our school has the best and most professional teachers! I love my school a lot.
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