постройте вопрос и отрицание. This box is on the table. Her aunt has got tho children. Those crocodiles are big. They have got a father. They can swim very well. My uncle is a driver. These brown bears are under the chair.


Ответ дал: AripovZ
This box is not on the table. (-)
Is this box on the table? (?)
Her aunt hasn't got two children. (-)
Has her aunt got two children? (?)
Those crocodiles are not big. (-)
Are those crocodiles big? (?)
Have they got a father? (?)
They haven't got a father. (-)
They can't swim very well (-)
Can they swim very well? (?)
My uncle is not a driver. (-)
Is my uncle a driver? (?)
These brown bears are not under the chair (-)
Are these brown bears under the chair? (?)
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