напиши про свою семью на английском 5-6 предлодений


Ответ дал: Creative99
There are five people in my family. There are father, mather, brother and sister.My father working in a bank. He is 35 yers old.My mother is teacher. She is 32 years old. My brother and sister go to school. I like my family

annsorochan3: I love my family *
Ответ дал: annsorochan3
My family is not very big. My father Alexey and my mother Nadya. When I was 7 years old, my younger brother, Misha, was born. And now, we live in a big flat all together. We have one interesting tradition - to watch film every Sunday evening together. Also, we celebrate all holidays at home and together, in cute and comfortable atmosphere
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