100 баллов!!! срочно помогите с дз ,нужно 7 (VII) упражнение под буквой а)
нужно НЕ чётные,тоесть 2,4,6,8,10,12



Ответ дал: sharudakatya25oxzgq7
2. I've travelled to the east of Russia. 
4. Yes, I have ever discussed the books of Charlotte Bronte with my friends.6. I have read about 12 books this year.
8. I had my breakfast at the cafe nearby my house.
12. I've done my homework for today and prepared one more for the next lesson . 
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
2 I have travelled to Spain.
4 Yes, I have.I have just discussed the books of Conan Doyle with my friends.
6 I have read ten English books this year.
8 I have had my breakfast at home.
10 He has left Moscow because of his mother’s birthday.
12 I have written the essay and (have) made up the dialogue for today .
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