Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, negative or interrogative. 1. Jane ....... ( not/enjoy) going to the zoo. 2. Tony ....... ( not/swim ) well. 3. ...... ( you/walk ) to school? 4. They ...... ( not/eat) meat. 5. She ..... ( not/like) tigers/ 6. Sue and Bob ..... (not/run) very fast. 7. ....... ( they/play) footbal? 8. ....... ( Mr Harris/live ) in Brazil?


Ответ дал: Caribou
Я думаю так :
1. Jane doesn't enjoy going to zoo.
2. Tony doesn't swim well.
3. Do you walk to school?
4. They don't eat meat.
5. She doesn't like tigers.
6. Sue and Bob don't run very fast.
7. Do they play football?
8. Does Mr Harris live in Brazil?
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