14.4 Complete the sentences.

I. He works in a ............ which makes electrical goods.

2. She's an ............ .She builds roads and bridges.

3. The traffic ............. is checking all the parked cars.

4. The ..........., told me to return the book at the end of the month.

5. The bank ........... changed some money for me.

6. A police ........... told me the way to the station.


Ответ дал: nunny
I. He works in a factory which makes electrical goods.
2. She's an architect. She builds roads and bridges.
3. The traffic warden is checking all the parked cars.
4. The librarian told me to return the book at the end of the month.
5. The bank clerk changed some money for me.
6. A police officer told me the way to the station.

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