For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Example: 0 A meet B link C join D unite
What is a Coincidence?
A coincidence is a surprising thing that happens to us. For example, two friends go
shopping alone on the same day. When they (0) meet up afterwards, they discover that
they've each bought an identical T-shirt. Many people (1) ........ coincidences as significant
or mysterious. But the simple (2) ........ could be that friends tend to have similar taste in
clothes. In reality, life is (3) ........ of coincidences, but normally we don't notice them. For
example, in almost fifty percent of all football matches, two players share the same
birthday. This seems surprising, (4) …... that there are 365 possible birthdays in the year.
But most of these matches will be played without anybody being (5) ........ that the
coincidence exists. (6) ........ your birthday is today or tomorrow, you don't generally go
around telling people when it is. What's more, without realising it, you probably (7) ........
into contact with lots of people born on the same day as you. But when a coincidence is
(8) ........ to your attention, it still seems amazing.
1 A consider B think C regard D believe
2 A resolution B definition C motivation D explanation
3 A heavy B rich C full D crowded
4 A given B except C even D instead
5 A noticed B known C aware D intelligent
6 A Therefore B Whereas C Meanwhile D Unless
7 A make B come C have D go
8 A taken B carried C brought D shown


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 С

2 D

3 С

4 A

5 С

6 D

7 B

8 C

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