Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. Сделайте до 12 предложения. СРОЧНО!!!ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!



Ответ дал: moneli
1.This man is a writer. He writes books. He has been writing since he was a young man. He has already written eight books
2. What have you been doing here since morning ?
3.Lena is a very good girl. She always helps her mother about the house. Today she has already been helping her mother since morning. They have already washed the floor and Have dusted the furniture. Now the are cooking dinner together. 
4. He is running now. He has been running for ten minutes without any rest 
5. What are they doing now? - They are working in the reading room. They have already been working there for three hours.
6. Where is he now ? - He is in the Garden. He is playing basketball with his friends. They have been playing since breakfast time.
7. I live in St. Petersburg. I have been living in St. Petersburg since 1990.
8. This is the factory where my father works. He has been working here for fifteen years.
9. Have you found your notebook ? - No i am still looking for it. I have already been looking for it for two hours, But have not found it yet/
10. You have already been playing with a ball for three hours.Go home and do your homework.
11. Wake up ! You have already been sleeping for ten hours.
12. I have been waiting for my answer from mu cousin for a month already, But have not received it yet.
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