Помогите пожалуйста сделать английский СРОЧНО

Complete the sentences so they are true about you. 1. My mum............. (go) to work on foot.
2. My dad................. (cook) well.
3. My school lessons...............(start) at 8:45.
4. I....................... (catch) the train to school.
5. My parents.......... (play) computer games.
6. We.......... (have) dinner at 8:00.

Write questions. Answer them.
1. You/like/classical music?
Do you like classical music? Yes,I do.
2. Your friends/ play/football?.........
3. Your parents/ get up/early/in the morning?
4. You/watch/ TV/in the evenings?
5. Your friend/speak/French?
6. Your dad/play/a musical instrument?


Ответ дал: anrew3465
1 goes
2 cooked 
3 started 
4 caught
5 play
6 have 

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