Complete the following sentences according to the model.

Model: 1. There (is) something wrong with the door, it ... (to open). Thereis something wrong with the door, it (won't open).

2. There was something wrong with the door it ... (to open). There(was) something wrong with the door it(wouldn't open.)

1. There is something the matter with the car engine, it ... (to run). 2. Give me your pen please, the one I have ... (to write). 3. The child was told not to make a noise, but he ... (to obey). 4. We told him to drop smoking as it was harmful to his health, but he ... (to listen). 5. He was trying hard to build up a fire, but the wood ... (to burn). 6. She wanted to write down on paper what she thought and felt, but the right words ... (to come).

AmberN: Может так....Если я правильно поняла задание


Ответ дал: AmberN
1There (is) something the matter with the car engine, it (won`t run)
2 Give me your pen, please, the one I (have) (won`t write)
3 The child (was told) not to make a noise, but he (wouldn`t obey)
4 We (told) him to drop smoling as it (was) harmful to his health, but he (wouldn`t listen)
5 He (was trying) hard to build up a fire, but the wood (wouldn`t burn)
6 She (wanted) to write down on paper what she (thought) and (felt) but the right words (wouldn`t come)
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