Разделительные вопросы. Помогите пожалуйста.



Ответ дал: vencedorik
1. I am your teacher, aren't I?
2 I am not your slave, am I?
3 She doesn't care about them, does she?
4 Your cat is brown, isn't it?
5 You aren't French, are you?
6 Susan could send a letter, couldn't she?
7 I received a funny email, didn't I?
8 They didn't buy that house, did they?
9 You were there yesterday, weren't you?
10 They phoned me, didn't they?
11 I will dive in the river, won't I?
12 She won't recycle, will she?
13 Martha won't get a job, will she?
14 They will show the fotos, won't they?
15 We will read that story, won't we?

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