Хотя бы на половину вопросов 
Выберете грамматически верный вариант ответа.

1. During this programme viewers .... various questions - it's not a quiz show.
a) not answer b) don't answer c) doesn'g answer

2. This businessman seldom ... his goods on TV.
a) advertise b) advertiscs c) is advertising

3. My friend ... from one channel to another because he has a TV guide.
a) not switch b) don't switch c) doesn't switch

4. This valuable prize ... for you.
a) is not b)are not c)doesn't be

5. ... advertisements occupy most of the TV time?
a) are b) do c)does

6. She usually ... 3 double-periods a day.
a) have b) haves c) has

7. There ... plays, news, various commentaries and discussions on TV.
a) is b) are c) am

8. He calls his parents...
a) last week b) next week c) every week

9. They were busy and ... the news
a) did not b) did not watch c) not watched

10. Many people ... TV sets many years ago
a) did not had b) not had c) did not have

11. There ... many boring interviews on the radio last weck
a) was b) were c) bc

12. Who ... the inventor of the radio?
a) were b) was c) did be

13. My parents ... a new magazine yesterday
a) buy b) buyed c) bought

14. These authorities ... different questions in the talk show last
a) discuss b) discussed c)was discuss

15. When ... you the owner of the Channel 4 last time?

a) saw b) was see c) did see

16 My group matcs didn't attend this quiz show ...
a) nowadays b) last month c) next month

17.I ... a report about advertising next month
a) won't read b) didn't read c) don't read

18. ... there ... a mucting at this factory next Monday?
a) will b) will be c) be

19 The secretary ... the partner with the boss, because he will be back in half an hour.
a) won't connect b) will connect c) will not connect

20. All my friends and I ... our old mobile phones soon.
a) will change b) change c) changed

21. The owner ... new special stations in different places in the nearest future
a) builds b) built c) wii build

22. They ... the profit of the firm at the next meeting
a) will discuss b) discussed c)discuss
23. Will you take part in a quiz ...?
a) last week b) in a wiik c) every week

24. We won't send any letters by fax ...
a) tomorrow b) yesterday c) every day

25. Our new teacher invited ... to the meeting on the
of higher education.
a)us b) our c) ours

26. Your new computer is very expensive,but ... is very cheap
a) our b) us c) ours

27. Computer-based technologies changed telephone and ... usage
a) her b) his c) its

28. Some people find soap operas interesting,but some find ... boring.
a) they b) them c) their


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. b
2. b ( advertises)
3. c
4. a
5. b
6. c
7.. a
8. c
9. b
10. c
19.a, c
23.b (week)

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