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A Match the words in Column A with the definitions in Column B

Column A Column B

1 can’t take it anymore A to be under a lot of stress

2 to get things out of proportions B to go crazy

3 to build up C can’t stand the pressure

4 to pull your hair out D to make situation worse

5 to feel the strain of E to create something

B Underline the correct word.

6 She permitted/persuaded me that it was true.

7 Shrug/shake the shoulders and say I don’t know.

8 The two boys fought until one gave in/up.

9 These shoes don't fit/match, they are too tight.

10 Her ideas have gradually got effect/influence in the company.

11 The aspirin will help your body resist/dissuade infection.

12 Take/make it easy! Everything will be alright I promise

13 Only my personal diary can help get off my mind/chest.

C Fill in the gaps with who, which, where, why or when.

14 The house _____ Mozart was born is now a museum.

15 I can't remember a time _____ I was so happy.

16 The reason _____ I didn't call you is that I've lost your phone number.

17 The woman_____ is standing at the window is our teacher.

18 This is the book _____ I read last year.

D Join the sentences using who, which or whose.

19 Mary’s got an elder brother. He is a football player.

_______________________________________________ .

20 I am reading the novel now. It is very interesting.

_______________________________________________ .

21 I talked to the girl. Her car had broken down in front of the shop.

_______________________________________________ .

22 We often visit our aunt in Norwich. It is in East Anglia.

_______________________________________________ .

23 The man forgot his umbrella. His father is a professor.

_______________________________________________ .

F Complete the sentences using the words: million, two, sixes, reasons, six.

24 It doesn't matter to me how you do it. It's _______ of one and half a dozen of the other.

25 My grandmother was the kindest and sweetest old lady ever. She was one in a _______.

26 The workers were at _______ and sevens after the company announced that it was going out of business.

27 There's one hundred and one _______ why I should leave you!

28 Kenny is in _______ minds about what to study at university. He's interested in history, but he also likes the idea of being a lawyer.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


1 - С

2 - D (только правильно to make situation SEEM worse)

3 - E

4 - B

5 - A


6 She persuaded me that it was true.

7 Shrug the shoulders and say I don’t know.

8 The two boys fought until one gave in.

9 These shoes don't fit, they are too tight.

10 Her ideas have gradually got influence in the company.

11 The aspirin will help your body resist infection.

12 Take it easy! Everything will be alright I promise.

13 Only my personal diary can help get off my chest.


14 where

15 when

16 why

17 who

18 which


19 Mary’s got an elder brother who is a football player.

20 Now I am reading the novel which is very interesting.

21 I talked to the girl whose car had broken down in front of the shop.

22 We often visit our aunt in Norwich which is in East Anglia.

23  The man whose father is a professor forgot his umbrella.


24 six

25 million

26 sixes

27 reasons

28 two

*Перевод выражений с числительными:

six of one and half a dozen of the other - одно другого стоит/это одно и то же

one in a million - уникальный

in sixes and sevens - в замешательстве

one hundred and one reasons - куча причин/воз и маленькая тележка

be in two minds - неспособность сделать выбор

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