Помогите подставить:

14. … a drink. I’m very thirsty.
a I like b I wouldn’t like c I would like
15. He … a shower before he goes to bed.
a has got b does c has
16. Can I have … cake, please?
a any b some c a few
17. What is your mother like?
a Sailing and swimming. b Impatient and unfriendly. c Helping people.
18. We talked while we … dinner.
a eating b eat c were eating
19. That’s the … joke in the world.
a funnier b funniest c more funny
20. He … her tonight – he is too busy.
a isn’t seeing b doesn’t see c not seeing
21. The bus … here.
a is stopping b stops c stop
22. I’m glad that the sun … again today.
a shine b is shining c shines
23. … you … to the party tonight?
a do … come b are … coming c does … come
24. Today Frank … late.
a is working b work c works
25. The boys … in the gym.
a still train b are still training c still trains


Ответ дал: olesyakon2004
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. C
20. A
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. A
25. A
(Не гарантирую, что все правильно)
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