10 - 11 классыАнглийский язык 5+3 б

Поставьте следующие предложения в passive voice по образцу :
She washes the child. The child is washed by her.
1. I prepare dinner.
2. They buy newspapers.
3. He gives French lessons.
4. She writes shorts srories.
I gave him a book.A book was given to him.
1. We understood him.
2. He organized the party .
3. They told us interesting stories .
4. She brought me these text-books.
We shall translate these article. These article will he articled by us.
1. We shall discuss this novel.
2. Mary will invite us.
3. People will remember this event.
Somebody has cleaned the flat. The flat has been cleaned by somebody.
1. Somebody has opened the window.
2. He has told the story.
3. They have prepared the report .


Ответ дал: ktsadness
1) the dinner was prepared by me
2) the newspapers were bought by them
3) French lessons are given by her
4) the short stories are written by her

1) he was understood by us
2)the  party was organized by him
3) the interesting stories were told us by them
4)these text-books were brought

1)this novel will be disscused by us
2) we will be invited by Mary
3) this event will be remembered by people 

1) the window has been opened by somebody
2) the story has been told by him
3) the report have been prepared by them

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