помогите, на фотографии и вот...пожалуйста...

13.Open the brackets,put the verbs into the Present Simple.

1. Polly usually (to have)
2.I always (to make)
3.They seldom(to get up)
4.Ann always (to go)
5.My parents usually (to come)
6.Tib seldom (to go...
7. Kate and Jack (to go)
8. Her grandmother (to wash up)
9.You usually (to dress)



Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 does
2 does
3 does
4 do
5 do
6 do
7 does
8 does
9 do
1 has
2 make
3 get up
4 goes
5 come
6 goes
7 go
8 washes up
9 dress
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