Напишите вопросы к ответам.
1. (When… ?)______________________
She gets up at eight o’clock.
2. (What … do…?)__________________
She has breakfast at nine o’clock.
3. (Where…?) ______________________
She works in the bookshop.
4. (Where…?) _________________
She has lunch in a cafe.
5. (When …?) _________________
She comes home at half past five.
6. (What … do ?) ___________
She watches TV in the evening.
7. (When …?) _________________
She goes to bed at 10 o’clock.


Ответ дал: Аноним
1. When does she get up?
2. What does she do at nine o'clock ?
3. Where does she work ?
4. Where does she have lunch?
5.When does she come home?
6. What does she do in the evening?
7. When does she go to bed?
Ответ дал: Kotyasha4

1.When does she get up?

2. What does she do in the morning?

3.Where does she work?

4.Where does she have lunch?

5.When does she come home?

6.What does she in the evening do?

7. When does she go to the bed?

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