Хелп..Как сделать? Спасибо заранее.В косвенную речь.
1.He said," I can drive a car"
2.A man asked me,"Do you have a car?"
3.He said to us:"Come here tomorrow
4."Don't be a afraid of my dog",said the man to Kate
5."You haven't done your work well",said the teatcher to me
6.Ann said to Mike:"When did uoy live in London"?


Ответ дал: Аноним
1 he said he could drive a car
2 a man asked me if i had a car
3 he said to us to come here the following day
4 the man said to Kate not to be afraid of his dog
5 the teacher said to me that i had not done my homework well
6 Ann asked Mike when he had lived in London
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