Ребят ещеэто задание помогите ! Пж напишите кратко ответы на вопросы буквально к каждому вопросу по 2 предложения !!!!ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБОООООО!!!!5.Most of the pollution in big cities comes from cars. They also make a lot of noise. Has your family got a car? How often do you use it?

6.One of the environmental problems is a shortage of food. People in some countries even suffer from hunger. Does your family buy much food? Do you sometimes throw it away? How much of it do you waste?

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Ответ дал: City007
1)Big city has got many cars. It is bad for pulution and people.СCars make truffic flumes (its dangerous smoke for environment). And engines of cars make a lot of noise. My family have a car. Its a Jeep. We use it everyday, unfortunately(

2)In our planet live many people. In some contries people lack food. My family dont by too much food, because we know if we dont eat this food, it will  spoil.
We waste a very small part of it.
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