Составьте письменно общие и разделительные воп­росы к следующим предложениям.

1. Our headwaiter knows several foreign languages. 2. He has ordered a substantial breakfast. 3. They were in many countries. 4. They are working in the dining room. 5. Dinner is the largest meal during the day. 6. I heard about this restaurant from my friend. 7. He likes oysters.


Ответ дал: tatyanasmuseno
1. doesn't he\she?
2. hasn't he?
3. weren't they?
4. aren't they?
5. isn't it?
6. didn't I?
7. doesn't he?
1. Our headwaiter knows several foreign languages. Does your headwaiter know several foreign languages?
2. He has ordered a substantial breakfast. Has he ordered a substantial breakfast?
3. They were in many countries. Were they in many countries?
4. They are working in the dining room.  Are they working in the dining room?
5. Dinner is the largest meal during the day. Is dinner the largest meal during the day?
6. I heard about this restaurant from my friend. Did you hear about this restaurant from my friend?
7. He likes oysters. Does he like oysters?
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