Напишите предложения в вопросительной форме:
1.I have a lecture in anatomy. 2. They will be pharmacists. 3. You were at the institute yesterday.


Ответ дал: ayaulym10
1 Have I got a lecture in anatomy?
2 Will they be pharmacists?
3 Were you at the institute yesterday?

Аноним: 1. Do I have a lecture on anatomy? 2. Will they be attractive? 3. Were you at the institute yesterday?
Аноним: 1. У меня есть лекция по анатомии? 2. Они будут привлекательны? 3. Вы были в институте вчера?
Ответ дал: tatyanasmuseno
Do you have a lecture in anatomy?
Will they be pharmacists?
Were you at the institute yesterday?
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