Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between 2 and 5 words.
1. I’ve never heard such a sad story. ever
It’s the ____________________________________________________ heard.
2. We haven’t been to the theatre for a year. last
We ____________________________________________ the theatre a year ago.
3. Could you post this letter for me, please? mind
Would _______________________________________ this letter for me, please?
4. The party was so boring that we didn’t enjoy ourselves. too
The party was ________________________________________ enjoy ourselves.
5. Can’t you drive any faster than that? fastest
Is that _____________________________________________________ drive?
6. It wasn’t necessary for her to come so early. have
She ________________________________________________ so early.
7. We’ll probably have a party for Sam’s birthday. likely
It’s ________________________________________ a party for Sam’s birthday.
8. Bob doesn’t like people asking him questions about his job. being
Bob ___________________________________________ questions about his job.
9. “I didn’t leave the tap on,” she said. denied
She ________________________________________________ the tap on.
10. As soon as I got into bed, I fell asleep. sooner
No _____________________________________________ into bed, I fell asleep.


Ответ дал: peskotskaya
1It's the saddest story I've ever heard.
2We last went to the theatre a year ago
3Would you mind posting this letter for me, please?
4The party was too boring for us to enjoy ourselves.
5Is that the fastest you can drive?
6She didn't have to come so early.
7It's likely that we'll have a party for Simon's birthday.
8Bob doesn't like being asked questions about his job.
9She denied leaving the tap on.
10No sooner had I got into bed than I fell asleep.

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