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Ответ дал: parljukljuba
3 You're not very tall. Your brother is taller than me.
4 Bill doesn't work hard . I work harder than Bill.
5 My chair isn't very comfortable. Yours is more comfortable than mine.
6 Jill's idea wasn't very good. My idea was better than Jill.
7 These flowers aren't very nice. The blue ones are nicer than those flowers.
8 My case isn't very heavy. Your case is heavier than mine.
9 I'm not very interested in art. I'm more interested in art than in history.
10 It isn't very warm today. It was warmer than yesterday.
11 These tomatoes don't taste very good. The other ones tasted better than those tomatoes.
12 Britain isn't very big. France is bigger than Britain.
13 London isn't very beautiful. Paris is more beautiful than London.
14 This knife isn't very sharp. Have you got a sharper than one.
15 People today aren't very polite. In the past they were more polite .
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