Помогите пожалуйста
Writing. Fill in the gaps with the words: wash, help, get up, go, play, watch, what time, have
1) ____ you _______ at 7 o`clock?
2) ____you ________your face?
3) ____you _________ football in summer?
4) ____ ____you _______ to school?
5) ____ you _______TV every day?
6) ____you______ your mother?
7) What ___ you ____ for breakfast?


Ответ дал: Vic94
1 Do you get up at 7 o'clock?
2 Do you wash  your face?
3 Do you play football in summer?
4 What time you go to school?
5 Do you watch TV every day?
6 Do you help your mother?
7 What do you have for breakfast?
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