Write what you think of the statement "The more foreign languages you know, the easier it is for you to study". Begin with...
it is absolutely right...
it is clear...to my mind...

Напишіть, що ви думаєте про твердження: "Чим більше іноземних мов ви знаєте, тим легше вам навчатися". Почніть з ...
це абсолютно правильно ...
це ясно ...
на мій погляд ...


Ответ дал: hikkanow
To my mind, every person should know more than two languages. Firstly, learning languages is the best way to develop yourself and to know more about different cultures. Secondly, knowing of language will help in future life in different ways. To sum up, I would like to say that it is really important to speak different languages nowadays.
Ответ дал: Nikello
To my mind, every person should know more than two languages. Firstly, learning languages is the best way to develop yourself and to know more about different cultures. Sock my dick my teacher is a cunt secondly, knowing of language will help in future life in different ways. To sum up, I would like to say that it is really important to speak different languages nowadays.
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