Сделайте пожалуйста номер 1,2,3



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
2 watch a film
Watch a football match
3 play tennis
Play computer games
4 eat vegetables
Eat crisps
5 use a meal
Use a dictionary
6 drink coffee
Drink lemonade
7 wear a T-shirt

2 go
3 go
4 read
5 watch
6 listen
7 like
8 write
9 use
10 eat

2 He goes to Marsden College
3 He eats a lot of pizzas.
4 He reads a lot of magazines about baseball
5 He writes emails to his friends.
6 He uses the Internet.
7 He is a basketball addict.
8 He likes rap.
9 After school he watches TV.
10 After school he also listens to music .
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