ДАЮ 15 баллов!!!
Переведите ГРАМОТНО текст на английский НЕ В ПЕРЕВОДЧИКЕ!!
1. Берегись! Ты можешь упасть. 2. – Когда ты обычно уходишь из дома? – В восемь часов утра. 3. Скажи “cheese” или “please” и улыбнись. Я хочу тебя сфотографировать. 4. – Ты любишь клубнику? – Очень. – Это полезная еда? – Думаю, да. 5. – Ты обычно не останавливаешься в отелях, не так ли? – Да, это правда. 6. – О боже! Мой котенок в яме, и я не могу его вытащить. – Давай позвоним Майку и попросим его о помощи. – Отличная мысль! 7. Какого цвета эта стена? Она серая или голубая? 8. – Ты умеешь водить машину? – Нет. Но я могу попробовать сделать это. 9. У меня есть идея. Давай сперва позвоним Мэри, потом пойдем в магазин, купим фруктов и овощей, затем сделаем бутерброды и вместе пойдем в парк. Мы можем отлично провести там время. 10. – У тебя есть веревка и лестница? – Конечно. – Можно ими воспользоваться? – Что вы хотите делать? – Мы хотим помочь нашему другу и вытащить его котенка из ямы.


Ответ дал: pups223
Take care! You can fall. 2. – When do you usually leave the house? – At eight o'clock in the morning. 3. Tell "cheese" or "please" and smile. I want to photograph you. 4. – Do you love strawberry? – Very much. – It is healthy food? – I think and. 5. – You usually don't stay in hotels, isn't it? – Yes, it is the truth. 6. – Holy Christ! My kitten in a hole, and I can't pull out him. – Let's call Mike and we will ask him about the help. – Excellent thought! 7. What color this wall? She gray or blue? 8. – Can you drive a car? - No. But I can try to make it. 9. I have an idea. Let's call at first Mary, then we will go to shop, we will buy fruit and vegetables, then we will make sandwiches and together we will go to the park. We can spend perfectly there time. 10. – Do you have a rope and a ladder? – Of course. – It is possible to use them? – What do you want to do? – We want to help our friend and to pull out his kitten from a hole.
Ответ дал: s09988
Watch out! You might fall. 2. – When do you usually leave home? – At eight o'clock in the morning. 3. Say “cheese” or “please” and smile. I want you to picture this. 4. – Do you like strawberries? Very. Is healthy food? – I think so. 5. – You don't usually stay in hotels, right? – Yes, it's true. 6. – Oh my God! My kitty in the pit, and I can't get him out. – Let's call Mike and ask for his help. Great idea! 7. What color is this wall? It is gray or blue? 8. – Do you know how to drive? – No. But I can try to do it. 9. I have an idea. I'd like to call Mary, then go to the store, buy fruits and vegetables, then make sandwiches and go together to the Park. We can perfectly spend time there. 10. – You have a rope and a ladder? – Of course. – It is possible to use them? – What you want to do? – We want to help our friend and get him a kitten from the pit.

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