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Speak about the educational establishment of your friend
1. Where does he study?
2.What's his future profession?
3.What does he study?
4.Does he get scholarship?
5.Does he take part in the public life?
6.Does he take exams and credit tests?
7.Does he like his studies?


Ответ дал: diedspirit
1. He studies at the 8th school.
2. His future profession is a doctor.
3. He studies biology.
4. No, he doesn't.
5. He actively participates in public life.
6. Yes, he passes the exams.
7. Yes, he likes it.
Ответ дал: Polina1LaGGeR
1)He studies at school
2)His future profession is Doctor
3)He studies English
5)Yes ,he does
6)No,he doesn't
7)Yes,he does

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