Use the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.
1) She (to give) a loud scream and (to fall) to the ground.
2)After questioning he (to allow) to go home.
3) They would have won if they (to play) a bit harder.
4)Although they (to be) defeated they (not to lose) heart.
5)Our teacher taught us that virtue (to be) its own reward.
6) The government has announced that taxes (to raise).
7)What would he have done if he (to be there)?
8) I am verysorry but I (not to finish) reading the book yet.
9) They (to go) to town when I (to see) them this morning.
10) I wish I (to learn) to play oina. They 9to say) it is amazing.


Ответ дал: galina572319


1) She gave a loud scream and fell to the ground.

2) After questioning he was allowed to go home.

3) They would have won if they had played a bit harder.

4) Although they were defeated they didn't lose the heart.

5) Our teacher taught us that virtue is its own reward.

6) The government has announced that taxes will be raised.

7) What would he have done if he had been there?

8) I am very sorry but I have not finished reading the book yet.

9) They were going to town when I saw them this morning.

10) I wish I could learn to play the violin. They say it is amazing.

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