Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

1. If I (have) a tablet “Lenovo” , I (watch ) movies on it.

2. If we (not , use ) chemicals we ( not, pollute) our environment.

3. If I (not, be) rude to my parents, they ( give) me some pocket money last


4. If I (be) you, I (invite) Kate to the party yesterday.

5. If we (not, stop) air and water pollution, some species of fish ( not, die) in dirty water.

6. If Jim (not, meet) Helen last winter, he (not, visit) Germany this year.


Ответ дал: Tashkentskiy
1. if i had, I would watch
2. if we didn't use chemicals we would not pollute ...
3. if i wasn't rude ..... they would give.....
4. if i were you, i would invite ...
5. if we didn't stop.....some sp.of fish wouldn't die...
6. if Jim didn't meet Helen.....he wouldn't visit ....
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